WONKHE 404. This page cannot be found. The following sector organisations have responded:
OfS: Reminds you under condition B4 you should have this page backed up for the last five years.
Research England: Urges you not to write up your non-discovery of this page as an impact case study.
HESA: Statistics are available comparing the number of page errors (rounded to the nearest five) based on an annual data return.
UCAS: Welcomes the demographic-beating year-on-year increase in pages on Wonkhe, but warns that some may be being lost in the system.
Medr: Will be consulting on a new, collaborative approach to website regulation over the next several years.
Jisc: Still secretly thinks our web address should be com.wonkhe
Data Futures: We have found 15 copies of this page. No, five. No – a hundred. Hang on…
OIA: Would be willing to look into the way we have handled this page error once you have exhausted our complaints mechanism.
Advance HE: Is offering a two-day course for senior managers on “entering URLs correctly”.
NUS: Is divided about whether to provide this page with a platform.
UUK: Feels a sector-wide agreement that this page cannot be found would be preferable to further website regulation.
Institute of Student Employers: Wonders if you have considered a career in website user experience testing?
Russell Group: Strongly feel that more targeted funding for research would mean that this page could one day be found.
GuildHE: Thinks a smaller and more specialised website would not be subject to such issues.
Independent Higher Education: Strongly believes that high-quality websites come in all shapes and sizes.
MillionPlus: Thinks that just because the website is new, there’s no reason for this page to be of lower quality.
The Student Loans Company: Kindly asks you not to tell Martin Lewis you couldn’t find this page.
QAA: A visit to review our processes for handling missing pages will take place later this year, following up progress against an action plan we developed previously.
University Alliance: Thinks that the positions of all other mission groups have some merit, but urges a moderate approach.
UCU: Has concerns about the additional workload involved in finding this page.
The Cathedrals Group: Is praying for the safe return of this page.
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